
Friday, March 26, 2010

Human Body - Systems

We are currently studying the Human Body.  This week we went through each of the body systems and next week we are going to cover the 5 Senses.

For each system we used a Science Encyclopedia, watched a Magic School Bus video and used a body systems activity from the Evan Moor Giant Science Resource Book.   I also recently downloaded the first few lessons of REAL Science Odyssey as part of their Try It Before You Buy It preview.  I printed out the description pages and read them to the kids.  I liked their descriptions better than the ones in our Science Encyclopedia since they were much easier for them to understand. 

We started the week by hanging and coloring the body from the GSR.

We read From Head to Toe by Eric Carle and played along with the story to get ready.  We started with the skeletal system.   We read The Skeleton Inside You and used a mirror to look at our ribs (at least the kids did, my ribs are not currently easy to see).  We felt along our arms and hands to feel the bones.  We tried to make a tent by using just pillows and blankets and then added support from chairs and tables, to show how the skeleton supports our softer body parts.  We added the skeleton from Giant Science Resource Book to our guy and colored it in.

The kids weren't awful about coloring together but there were a few fights. George has gotten very meticulous about his coloring lately and usually has a (very colorful) plan.  So I also let him color in a skeleton exactly how he wanted without his sisters help.

The other body systems we covered and activities we did were:
Muscular System - felt muscles in our arms as we moved it
Circulatory System - exercised and then felt our pulse in our neck
Respiratory System - breathed into a paper bag to show how lungs expand and contract
Digestive System - pulled a tape measure out to 15 feet to show how long the small intestine is and then folded it to show how it fits in the body.
Nervous System

For each one, we added and colored the body parts for our Giant Science Resource Book guy and he looked quite interesting by the end.

We finished up with a review of all the body systems using a game from the December 2009 Teachers Book Bag.   George glued the pictures in the correct categories. Vicki just made a collage with all the pictures.

Next week we'll be going over the 5 Senses.

To see what others are doing check out Preschool Corner & 5K too at Homeschool Creations.


  1. Oh what fun! I love their human body.

  2. Wow- great ideas! Ill be bookmarking this post for the future :)

  3. Thank you.

    We had a lot of fun with our guy. His name was Gibajugalabadida, but you can call him Mika (per Georgie).

  4. You have such great ideas! Thank you for sharing them with us!! I intend to use a few with my kids.

  5. Hi there! So glad I found your blog through Homeschool Creations link up! Your kiddos are within a month or so of each other (accept my girl is oldest!). I'm going to 'follow' you. Hope you'll stop in and see me too!!

    I love your human body activities! I think that is what we will do next too. We are really relaxed at this age. We have begun P3/4 Sonlight and we have read all of those books. We do alot of FUN for pre-k/K. Sounds like you and I may be of similar style! Hope you'll stop in and see me!!

  6. I am visiting from Preschool Corner - your school activities are great. My daughter really enjoyed Sid the Science Kid episodes about human body - they are just at the right level for her. George did awesome coloring all the body parts.

  7. Thank you all. We're having lots of fun.
    Raising a happy child - we love Sid the Science Kid here too.
