
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Best of Our New Stuff

We had lots of fun over break and the kids received way too many toys, as usual.  There were a few things they received that are going to be a wonderful addition to our school days. 

First of these are My First Mosaics. 


The kids received these from Grandpa Charlie and were eager to play with them right away.  They were each given a different set – Georgie had vehicles and Vicki had pets.  They came with a colorful board and lots (and lots and lots) of foam stickers in different colors and shapes.  The idea is to place the stickers over their corresponding spot on the board.   Even Vicki was able to do these with just a little bit of help peeling the stickers from their backing.   There are plenty of extra stickers so they can mix it up rather than following the layout and peeling and placing the stickers was a great fine motor activity.    The kids played with their pictures after they finished them.    The kitten went for a ride on the rocket.


Unfortunately we lost track of them after that and Vicki decided to remove the stickers from her picture and stick them on everything in her room.  Two weeks later and I’m still finding these little stickers everywhere (especially in my washing machine).

The kids received the Very Silly Sentences game from Granny Franny.

Very Silly Sentences Game

This game is a lot of fun, has all different levels to play and teaches the parts of speech.   We are currently doing the easiest level since Georgie is just learning to read (although so far he’s been able to read most of the cards) so each game lasts about 15 minutes.

We started back with “real” school today.  For details on how wonderfully that is going, check back on Friday for our weekly wrap-up.

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