
Friday, August 12, 2011

Sussex County Farm & Horse Show/NJ State Fair

The kids and I went out to the Sussex County Farm & Horse Show/New Jersey State Fair yesterday.  It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the high 70’s/low 80’s. 

The kids weren’t to into looking at the cows and pigs this year but they really enjoyed the small animal tent with the rabbits, chickens and ducks.  Georgie wants to raise rabbits someday and they both got a kick out of some of the really strange looking chickens.  They especially enjoyed watching some eggs hatch and seeing the newly hatched chicks.


They enjoyed the pony rides (I think we may need to get Georgie horseback riding lessons some day) and the petting zoo.



There was an exhibit by the New Jersey Beekeepers Association that Georgie found very fascinating.  They had a little touch screen set-up with videos about different aspects of bee life.  Georgie watched a bunch of the videos and I grabbed a bunch of flyers so we could do a unit study on bees one of these days.  



Georgie enjoyed playing a game of checkers set up in one of the smaller livestock tents (can you tell he just jumped two of my pieces?).


Both kids were able to decorate squares to be added to quilts intended for veterans hospitals.  Georgie took this very seriously and was careful to do his best work.


The absolute favorite part of the fair for the kids, the place we spent over an hour and had to go back to later, was the Fun Farm set up by our local supermarket chain.   It was very similar to last year and the kids LOVED it.    Their favorite part was a grocery store set up with fake fruits and vegetables, cans foods, boxes of cereal and crackers (I believe it was supposed to be all food that came from the farm). There were kid size shopping carts that were really neat and I wish I could find somewhere.  They were bigger than the ones usually found in toy stores but smaller than adult size ones.  There were 3 toy cash registers set up for them to check-out their groceries.



There were also pedal tractors to ride…..


stick horses to gallop around on….


eggs to collect from stuffed chickens….


and fake cows to milk.


We went and looked at the Best in Class vegetables and Georgie was surprisingly very interested in them.  He kept pointing to the various vegetables and asking me what they were.  I will admit I had to cheat a couple of times and look at the labels.   I think he will really enjoy helping when we are able to have a garden again.

We finished up our day at the fair by playing some of the carnival games.  The kids both won stuffed animals (a pink snake for Vicki, a blue lizard and gray dolphin for Georgie).  I think next year I have to remember to just go into the venders tent and buy them a few Beanie Babies.  It would definitely have been less expensive.

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