
Saturday, February 4, 2012

A couple weeks update

After a really good start getting back to school right after the holidays, things pretty much fell apart.   Between continuing improvement projects around the house, the resumption of homeschool bowling and gymnastics, the start of our 4-H Cloverbud club, and some absolutely gorgeous weather – formal schooling has taken a bit of a backseat. 

It looks like we are going to have a great group for our 4-H Cloverbud Club.   15 children were enrolled ranging from 4 to 8 years old.  I’m very excited at the possibilities for field trips and group activities.  Vicki spent some time studying our Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge board, although she seemed to think it was a story about aliens and monsters.


The kids had fun playing grocery store with the cash register they received for Christmas.  According to Georgie, the hat (from an old dance costume of Steph’s) is completely necessary for the cashier to be official.


We spent one day without power and without a car, thanks to a large tree falling across the road and on power lines.  The kids spend the day camping in front of the fire and setting up tents all over the house.


We enjoyed some of the absolutely gorgeous, Spring-like weather outside preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse with the Nerf guns the kids also got for Christmas.   Those bright orange darts showed up real well against the blue sky.  I drew a target on a large box with chalk so they would have something to aim for and I wouldn’t have to spend so much time searching for darts in the neighbor’s yard.

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Both kids did progress a little bit in their regular school work.  Vicki insisted on doing “the duck page” in her Handwriting without Tears book so we ended up jumping ahead by about 10 pages. 


After she worked in some of her wipe-off books while I worked with Georgie, which included coloring her toe nails blue and some face painting.

Next week we will be back to full days of school.  We will be alternating topics in History (US starting with Native Americans), Geography (US starting with our home state of New Jersey) and Science (rocks and minerals).

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