
Friday, July 6, 2012

Weekly Wrap-up

Another week of high heat indexes and air quality warnings means another week spent inside with the air conditioning.  Not that it means we had a super-productive school week, cause we didn’t.

I jumped ahead in MEP for Vicki since she was complaining about it being too easy.  We moved up to Lesson 7 since the ones before that were mostly longest/shortest, tallest/smallest and counting exercises.  Lesson 7 introduces the ideas and symbols for greater than, less than and equal to.  Vicki didn’t like that at all.  She said “I can’t do this kind of math”.   I’m going to pull out the cards and play <, >, = War with her like I did for Georgie at this stage.  Hopefully she’ll like that enough to continue working at it.

OPGTR we reviewed what we’ve done so far and she did fine with everything except the word “the”. 

She kept asking to paint with water so I set up the chalkboard for her and let her trace her name (I did fix her position so she was holding the brush correctly with her right hand, I just forgot to take another picture).


I introduced Georgie to our new Base 10 blocks this week to help with carrying.  He was very excited since they were yellow (his favorite color), “Look GOLD blocks!”.   Rather than doing math, he ended up playing Angry Birds with them.


My big news for the week is my new CAMERA!   My old camera was the same one I’ve had for 7 years (since Georgie was born) and it was getting a little moody.  Dh surprised me with an early birthday gift – a Canon Rebel T3i with a zoom lens!


I’m looking forward to taking lots of pictures and really learning how to use the camera.  I took a fine arts photography course way back in college that I really enjoyed.  Meanwhile, I had some fun taking pictures of our garden, which is doing well except the watermelons….


a visitor to our yard….


and the morning sun.


I didn’t do a lot of Pinterest ideas this week.   I did make some “banana ice cream” which is just freezing banana slices and then blending them until smooth.  It was actually a very good and satisfying treat, especially once I stirred in some dark chocolate chips. 

I also gave Sharpie tie-dying a try.  This is an activity I have planned for 4-H in August and I wanted to do some experimenting before then.    I tried taping off the area of the “4 H” to see if it would block the colors but it didn’t so I just outlined it in Sharpie and let it bleed. 


1 comment:

  1. Looks like your really putting the canon rebel to great use. What a great week.
