
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Fun and Halloween Happenings

I figured I had better get my Halloween/Fall post up before the snow came. ;-)

We are having a gorgeous fall here in NJ.  Lots of bright colors and blue skies.  The past few years it seems it was either really wet and the leaves all went brown, or very windy and the leaves fell off the trees too fast.

We made a trip out to the local pumpkin patch and had a great time on the Hay Ride, running through the corn maze and picking out our pumpkins.  Vicki pointed out to all of us that George was operating a Class 2 Level when using the wheelbarrow (they are studying Simple Machines and applying what they learn!!).

Once we returned home, the kids painted their pumpkins, while I tried my hand at a Jack Skellington.

Jen took them to a much larger (10 acres!), much harder corn maze where they spent HOURS working through a very complicated maze, assisted by clues.  This years maze had clues dealing with New Jersey History - very educational. :-)

Halloween was all about Minecraft this year.  Vicki was an Enderman and George was a Zombie Pigman.  I thought their costumes came out pretty good and they were happy with them.  We went to our town's Trunk or Treat, a party at the lake club, and Trick or Treating on Halloween night at Granny Kaye's house.

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