
Thursday, November 20, 2014

George's Big Presentation - Herpetology 4-H

The kids had the second meeting of their new 4-H group this week.  Despite being brand new and knowing nobody, George was the first to volunteer to do a speech.   He did a great job, with lots of "showmanship".  :-)    Not bad for his first research project AND first presentation.

The file was too big to attach here but is available at youtube:

After the speeches, the kids made ornaments to bring on an upcoming Caroling trip to a local nursing home.

Both kids were happy - George got to be the center of attention and Vicki got to play with glue. :-)

We haven't brought Galactic to 4-H with us yet.  The first meeting we weren't sure what to expect.  This week's meeting it was bitter cold out and Galactic was getting ready to shed, so he stayed home where it was nice, warm and safe.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

October (plus a week of November) Wrap-Up

As I mentioned last wrap-up, I’m going to switch to monthly (sort of) wrap-ups to cover all the details of the daily work, and do separate posts for history, science, field trips, projects, etc.  


Language Arts

Handwriting: Vicki has resumed copywork with The Wand and also has done an absolutely adorable booklet on Columbus using Draw/Write/Now (but you won’t get to see that one until I write up their Explorers unit).  She worked with the stories – Frog and Toad Are Friends, Frog and Toad Together and Harry and the Lady Next Door.   I think her handwriting isn't bad for a 7 year old.

Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 2:  She has no problem answering the questions and discussion the passages.  She’s learning the difference between Fact and Opinion, how to find a Main Idea, proper Sequencing, and Inferences.

Evan Moor Grammar and Punctuation Grade 2:   Vicki has continued on to learning about Verbs, Compound Words, Pronouns, Contractions, and how to determine when to use I or me, Us or We and Them or They.

Evan Moor Word-A-Day Grade 2:   We combine this with learning how to use a dictionary by having her look up the words each day.  She often goes off on tangents looking up words that interest her.  The latest words she had to study were topple, zany, putrid, echo, infant, ability, dynamo, trivial, camouflage, hue, wince, compromise, flimsy, grant, talented, and opinion.

The (slightly crazy) answers she gave to the follow-up questions for this list:

Do you like acting zany or being around someone who’s acting zany? Why or Why not?  Yes, I like to fool around.

Have you ever smelled something putrid?  What was it? What did you do?  Yes.  Poop in the toilet.  I’d flush.

If you were in a place that made a good echo what would you like to say?  Hi me.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write, Grade 2:  Vicki spelled all her words correctly for these units.  Her words were: good, book, took, shook, school, soon, too, read, best, work (can you guess what digraph was being worked on, LOL), now, down, shout, about, our, house, show, row, part, start, stand, star, stone, flew, new, ring, bring, moon, sun, off, trip, trees, train, stop, stopped, number, say, said, ride, fast.

In addition to the very obvious digraphs and diphthongs being studied, these units also worked on writing a complete sentence, proper punctuation, correct use of they or them, writing a personal narrative (Vicki’s consisted of “I like reading and music.  I also like math.  My brother likes writing.”), capitalizing names, capitalizing I, greeting and closing of a letter, rhyming words, nouns, pronouns, using commas in a list, adding –ed by doubling the consonant, and writing a letter.

She also had to write a list of what she would take on a trip to space.  She's overly optimistic with the multiple Ipods and Ipad.  

The kids spend an hour reading for school each day, and additional time reading in the evening.  They keep a reading log of what they read during school.  Vicki has been working her way through the entire Babysitters Club Little Sister series.  She is also reading the books for The Wand, lots of her Cat in the Hat Learning Series.


Math Mammoth 1B:    She has moved on to 2B while finishing up the Time and Money chapters from 1A.  She is struggling a little bit with remembering to regroup in subtraction but it appears to be more from rushing than from not understanding the concept.

 Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math Grade 2:  Vicki has successfully completed the third assessment, which included word problems, fractions, time to the ½ hour, measuring and graphs.  The next unit includes symmetry, skip counting and money problems.

Scholastic Success with Addition/Subtraction Grade 2:  A nice fun way to drill math facts with pretty pictures of butterflies and flowers. J  She has about 10 more pages left.

Vicki will be starting Evan Moor Daily Word Problems soon.  Hopefully this will help her work on setting up problems - lining up the places properly.


Language Arts

Copywork/Writing:  George is continuing along with Writing with Ease 1.   His cursive handwriting is not too bad but he still has a little bit of trouble with the narration and answering in full sentences. 

He worked on Little House on the Prairie, On the Banks of Plum Creek, All of a Kind Family, The Giant Crab and other Tales from Old India and the poems “The Sandpiper” and “The Nightingale and the Glow Worm”.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write Gr 5:  George only has one more unit left in the Grade 5 book.  He continues to get all his spelling words correct on his weekly tests and there is evidence that he is able to carry that over into other writing.

His words for the latest units were: rough, enough, fragile, few, physical, misbehave, unimportant, unable, disappoint, stuffed, disagree, and misunderstood, which were included in a passage on the Life of a Colonial Child (how handy that it’s their next unit in history!) and prehistoric, bicycle, prevent, inconvenient, inconsiderate, preview, import, action, cyclone, portable, impatient, and automobile, with a passage about the history of chewing gum.

Each of these units has a page with a picture to write the words on.  George has been getting more and more creative each time.  The Colonial child unit featured a picture of a cooking kettle.  He decided to use the words in a recipe.

Stuffed Stew Recipe

2 rough rocks
5 drops of physical labor sweat
3 fragile eggs
a few frogs toes
You have almost finished.
20 disappointment tears
1 drop of blood from a misbehaving kid
You have done enough.

Plz dun misunderstand the recipe.

For the gum unit, he had an assignment to write a couple of Cinquains.    I thought he used some great vocabulary in both of them.

Scholastic More Proofreading Practice Please: Where he gets to apply what he learns in grammar and spelling.

Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension Gr 5:  These units have worked on similar topics to Vicki’s – Cause and Effect, Fact and Opinion, Sequencing.

Evan Moor Word-A-Day – Grade 4:  He is up to week 33 and only has a few more weeks left in the 4th grade book.  His latest word lists include: hazardous, ventriloquist, ingenious, knickknack, landscape, lenient, kowtow, justify, enthusiasm, establish, flounder, frigid, narrative, patriot, perennial, and penetrate.

George’s answers to the follow-up questions:

Describe a hazardous situation you have seen or know about.  The destruction of Pompeii.

Share some examples of ingenious ideas that you or someone else have had.  A giant ice cream robot.

My favorite knickknack would be a yellow glass cat.

Should parents be strict or lenient with their kids about bedtimes?  They should sometimes be a little lenient if they are: doing extra schoolwork or reading.

What is a narrative that you have enjoyed reading? Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Which books or tv shows are your perennial favorites?  Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

The newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book came out last week and I think he has read it at least 4 times already.  J

Reading:  Well, in addition to rereading the old Diary of a Wimpy Kid books in preparation, and reading the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book four or five times since he got it, he has been reading some Animorphs, and some Basher Science books.


Math Mammoth (4B): George has been successfully working through long division, long division with money and is learning how to calculate averages.  Long division has been giving him less trouble than some “easier” math because he has no choice but to write it down and do it step by step.   Probably the start of a new trend as math is just going to get more complicated from this point on.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math – Grade 4:  The latest units have included logic puzzles (he really loves these), place value, symmetry, word problems, balancing equations, interpreting graphs, calculating volume and rounding.

Evan Moor Daily Word Problems – Grade 4:  He is starting to write out the problems a little more often.  Many of them require filling in a table or applying the answers.

He is still enjoying Scholastic Super Sudoku Math: Multiplication & Division Facts and Scholastic Fast Facts: Multiplication and Division and doing Sudoku puzzles from Easy Sukoku Puzzles by KrazyDad and logic grid puzzles from Mental Floss

BOTH: Extra-curricular

Swimming is still going well.  George is starting to put a little more effort into it, probably in the hopes that his sister won’t get any further ahead of him.

The kids had their first meeting of the Herpetology Heroes 4-H group and George volunteered to do the first presentation.  He is working on his report on fire salamanders, which he will be presenting next week.

I’m still hoping to start Geography and Art pretty soon but it may end up waiting until after the Holidays.

The kids have been working on Simple Machines in Science, Explorers in History, and using Studies Weekly to do a short unit on Health.  

Fall Fun and Halloween Happenings

I figured I had better get my Halloween/Fall post up before the snow came. ;-)

We are having a gorgeous fall here in NJ.  Lots of bright colors and blue skies.  The past few years it seems it was either really wet and the leaves all went brown, or very windy and the leaves fell off the trees too fast.

We made a trip out to the local pumpkin patch and had a great time on the Hay Ride, running through the corn maze and picking out our pumpkins.  Vicki pointed out to all of us that George was operating a Class 2 Level when using the wheelbarrow (they are studying Simple Machines and applying what they learn!!).

Once we returned home, the kids painted their pumpkins, while I tried my hand at a Jack Skellington.

Jen took them to a much larger (10 acres!), much harder corn maze where they spent HOURS working through a very complicated maze, assisted by clues.  This years maze had clues dealing with New Jersey History - very educational. :-)

Halloween was all about Minecraft this year.  Vicki was an Enderman and George was a Zombie Pigman.  I thought their costumes came out pretty good and they were happy with them.  We went to our town's Trunk or Treat, a party at the lake club, and Trick or Treating on Halloween night at Granny Kaye's house.

Friday, October 24, 2014


I’m way behind on my updates again.  L  I think I may start doing a Monthly Update for all the general school stuff and then do separate posts when we do fun or interesting things.  That way the long, detailed post is just once a month (which is what I’m averaging now anyway) and I can do quicker, picture loaded posts when we do exciting or unusual stuff. J
So this month’s excuses - the kids have been taking turns being sick for the past few weeks, the weather has been going through allergy inducing changes, and my computer (yes, my new one!) died on me.  (It’s back now, YEAH!) 
We’ve been up to Stephanie’s school twice this month – once to see her dance for the first time with the dance team at half time at the football game, and once for Homecoming where we saw her dance with her sorority in the showcase (Steph choreographed, taught and arranged the routine and did a great job!), and dance once again at half-time with the dance team.  Homecoming was lots of dancing, playing and good food.

Language Arts

Handwriting: Vicki is continuing to practice handwriting using some workbooks that came with her Tag reader, some Draw Write Now (she is not a big fan of drawing or coloring but she gives it a go) and will resume copywork with The Wand and WWE shortly.

 Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 2:  She is up to Week 12 in the second grade book and is doing great.  The passages these weeks worked on Character and Setting, Fantasy and Reality, Author’s Purpose/Prediction, and Non Fiction Elements like Glossaries, Table of Contents, and reading graphs and charts. 

Evan Moor Grammar and Punctuation Grade 2:   Vicki is continuing along with the nice, quick overview of Grammar rules.  She covered periods, question marks and exclamation marks, capitalizing proper names, places, days of week and holidays, and finding nouns. 
Evan Moor Word-A-Day Grade 2:  Vicki has moved on to Evan Moor Word-A-Day, Grade 2.    Her words so far have been dainty, pounce, generous, rambunctious, inquire, clench, monotone, attire, spectator, omit, brim, grumble. She comprehension seems strong so far.

Some of the bonus questions and her answers: J
Tell about a time you were acting rambunctious. What were you doing? What happened?
I ran in circles.  I got dizzy.

When do you clench your fists?  When I punch my wall.  (huh?)
What was your attire the last time you had to dress up for a special occasion? Last Friday I wore a Hello Kitty dress.

When you tell your family about your day at school, what information might you omit?  I’d omit what I forgot. (stating the obvious, LOL).

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write, Grade 2:  Vicki finished four more units of spelling.  She only missed one word – send.
The first unit she learned about bees, spelling with long e, identifying subjects and predicates, nouns, verbs, and had a writing assignment to describe a new bug she discovered.  Her bugs name was Stan.  He’s thin and small, and brown.  He lives in a jar, walks to get around and looks like a stick.

She also had to describe how it would feel if she woke up to be a bee.   “It feels fine to be small.  Its fun to fly around. Its also fun to sting.”   What a kid. J
Her next unit was about going to the gym and covered words ending in st and end, contractions, and capitalizing days of the week, months of the year and holidays – a good cross over with her Grammar, and using I and me.
Her next unit was on Blue Whales.   She learned about words with oa, ong and aw, contractions, is and are, apostrophes and using a graphic organizer.
Her last unit covered words with ay and ai, identifying adjectives, using the pronouns we and us, and interpreting charts.

I really like the variety of topics this program spirals through.

Reading: Vicki's been reading her way through the entire Baby Sitter's Little Sister series.  In addition to an hour for school, she also reads for about 30 minutes each night.  
Math Mammoth 1B:    She has just two chapters left in 1B – Time and Money.  She pretty much has both down from the other supplemental stuff she’s been doing so she may move on to 2B and do one page from 2B and one page from the Time or Money each day, to reinforce the concepts.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math Grade 2:  Vicki has completed the first two units and successful did the assessments for units one and two.  These units covered number lines, graphs, time, word problems, adding four numbers in columns, number words, money, place value, tally marks, and measuring.  A very nice spiral review of concepts.
Scholastic Success with Addition/Subtraction Grade 2:  A nice fun way to drill math facts with pretty pictures of butterflies and flowers. J

Scholastic First Word Problems: Time and Money:  She has completely finished this book and has a great understanding of both time and money.

Language Arts

Handwriting:  George has finished his Scholastic Cursive Writing Practice: Jokes and Riddles book.  He will continue practicing using copywork from WWE, The Arrow and his other programs.  His handwriting is looking pretty good these days.  In honor of Halloween, here’s a nice skeleton joke. :-)
Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write Gr 5:  Despite alternating with More Proofreading Practice Please, he is moving through this book quickly.  He has completed through Unit 9 of 12.  Evan Moor only goes through Grade 6 so we may be looking for a different spelling resource by the end of the school year. 

In unit 8, he learned about pollution, how to spell words with ie and ei, the suffixes ly and ness, using I and me.  He missed one word – exactly from this list but correctly spelled: biologist, fierce, worried, angrily, their, pollution, hurried, darkness, pieces, weigh, and happiness.  In addition to listing things he could do to help with pollution, he wrote a persuasive paragraph telling people why they must stop pollution:Let’s destroy pollution that harms animals! Stinks up the air! Dirtys the environment!  Lets help the biologists any way we can before the darkness!  Bring happiness to spare!  
Unit 9 included a passage about the Rafflesia flower of Sumatra.  He spelled all his words correctly on his test: island, patience, mission, wonderful, design, caution, government, addition, plentiful, limbs, predicament, and successful.  This test emphasized words with suffixes ful and ment, definitions of the above words, using can or may correctly. 

He wrote a passage about the poison arrow frog to demonstrate appearance versus reality and had a good time writing his spelling words on the picture.
Scholastic More Proofreading Practice Please: Since George has finished his No Boring Practice Please: Spelling, he has switched to proofreading practice to alternate with his spelling.  This allows him to apply what he is learning in spelling and make sure the concepts are sticking.   It includes grammar and spelling errors.

Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension Gr 5:  George has just started the 5th grade level of Reading Comprehension and is doing fine.  This level requires a lot more inferring information.  He had activities for finding the important information from charts, graphs and tables.
Evan Moor Word-A-Day – Grade 4:  George has completed through Week 29.  These weeks have covered the words maneuver, frantic, peer, stagnant, unkempt, humdrum, replenish, agriculture, barricade, betray, complement, defiant, diligent, efficient, outwit, glamorous.   He’s definitely used a few of those words lately.  Like when he and Vicki decided to barricade her bedroom door with books, or he declared his water stagnant, or that Vicki was being defiant and should be punished. 

He was able to name the only two “products of agriculture” he will eat – corn and bananas – without getting into ingredients, and declared “School is humdrum because it’s no fun.”

Writing with Ease:   He has completed the passages on The Happy Hollisters, Pollyanna, The Tale of Benjamin Bunny and A Christmas Carol. He is having difficulty narrating in full sentences so he is going to complete WWE1 before moving on to WWE2.

Math Mammoth (4B)
: George has completed 4A and moved on to 4B.  He really solidified his multiplication and division facts over the summer and it has thing going much smoother. 

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math – Grade 4:  George is up to unit 6 and has worked on completing tables, logic puzzles, estimating, coordinate graphing, time, comparing fractions and decimals, patterns, map reading, and linear measurement.
Evan Moor Daily Word Problems – Grade 4: George still tries to answer these without writing out the steps but every so often he has no choice.

For some fun drill and reinforcement of facts, George has also been continuing with the Scholastic Super Sudoku Math: Multiplication & Division Facts and Scholastic Fast Facts: Multiplication and Division.
For even more fun he’s been doing Sudoku puzzles from Easy Sukoku Puzzles by KrazyDad and logic grid puzzles from Mental Floss. 

BOTH: Extra-curriculars
Vicki is doing amazing in swimming lessons. After just one session as a guppy, she’s moving up again to minnows. 

They attended the first meeting of the Herpetology Heroes 4-H club this week. George volunteered to be the first one presenting a report at next month’s meeting.  He chose to do it on a Blood Salamander.
We will be starting our Geography study to go along with the postcard exchange shortly, doing some art on the weekends.

The kids have started studying Explorers in US History and are back to working on Simple Machines in Science.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

First two weeks of the new year Wrap-Up

The kids have eased back into school for the year, completing two weeks of their core subjects and starting back into a few extra-curriculars.

Both kids are using an assortment of resources that hit on topics such as grammar, phonics, spelling and math in various ways.  The repetition and diverse approaches seems to be working very well for both of them.


Language Arts

Handwriting: Vicki has finished the Handwriting without Tears: Printing Power book (2nd grade).  She is definitely not ready for cursive writing yet so will continue to practice handwriting using copywork from WWE1, The Wand and other resources she’s using for literature, grammar and/or spelling.

Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 2:  She is up to Week 9 in the second grade book and is doing great.  The passages these weeks worked on Fact and Opinion, Compare and Contrast, and Making Inferences.

Evan Moor Grammar and Punctuation Grade 2:  The Grammar and Punctuation book is set up by rules.   Vicki worked on three rules the past two weeks that dealt with sentences.  Every Grammar curriculum seems to start with sentences, and we’ve switched a few times in the past year, so she should really have that down pretty good by now.  ;-) 

Scholastic Success with Vocabulary Grade 1:  Vicki only has a few more pages to finish up the Scholastic Success with Vocabulary Grade 1 book.  Once she has finished, she will move on to Evan Moor Word-A-Day, Grade 2.    She worked on contractions, adverbs, and adjectives this week.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write, Grade 2:  This spelling is a new thing for Vicki.   Last year she was still concentrating on building up her reading skills.  This is the same program Georgie has been using but at a lower level.  I love the mix of memorization (write 2x and puzzles), phonics rules, grammar and writing.  She has completed unit 1 so far which had the theme of A Good Pet.  She was able to spell all her words correctly – came, mine, name, dog, ride, cat, bone, bird, cute, and pet.


Math Mammoth 1B:  Vicki is finishing up the last couple of chapters of MM1B before starting 2A.
Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math Grade 2:  She has started the second grade book and is up to page 10.  So far it’s covered addition and subtraction through 18, counting to 100, time to the half hour, and graphing.

Scholastic Practice, Practice, Practice: Addition and Subtraction:  This is a nice fun book of practice problems using puzzles, games and butterflies. J She only has a few more pages left and will move on to Scholastic Success with Addition/Subtraction, Grade 2 which uses a similar format.  She has been working on addition and subtraction with regrouping.

Scholastic First Word Problems: Time and Money:  She has finished up the time problems and started the money problems.


Language Arts

Handwriting:  George has almost finished his Scholastic Cursive Writing Practice: Jokes and Riddles book.  He will continue practicing using copywork from WWE, The Arrow and his other programs.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write Gr 5:  He is up to Unit 7 in the 5th grade level and has done great with all the tests.  This weeks’ theme was Great Kid Inventors and included the spelling words: change, though, decided, special, children, example, dangerous, device, chasing, stretches, thought and awhile.   This week concentrated on the digraphs ch, th and wh, and proper use of quotation marks and commas.  The writing passages included making up a simple invention, drawing it and describing how it would work.  George made a cooking robot, the J007 (CookBot or Jerald) who will “act like a basic chef and cook what is wanted”.  He also had to write sentences to describe his favorite invention of the 20th century and no surprise, he picked computers. Because “Computers do fast work.”, “Games on the Computer”, “Fast typing on the keyboard” and “Computers have fun on them”.

No Boring Practice Please! Spelling: he is still alternating this with SS Spell and Write.  This week he worked on the “au” digraph, and punctuation and capitalization.

Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension Gr 5:  George has just started the 5th grade level of Reading Comprehension and is doing fine. 

Evan Moor Word-A-Day – Grade 4:  George is up to Week 25.  These weeks have covered the words admonish, foreign, gallery, harass, indulge, destitute, jumble, and lecture.   This level has brief writing assignments included.   He was asked to write about a foreign country he would like to visit and why.  He wrote: “I would like to go to a foreign country, Egypt to get a pet armadillo.”  When asked Do you like having things in your room in a jumble? He answered with “I’m okay with it.”

Writing with Ease:  The weeks’ passages were from The Velveteen Rabbit and How to Eat Fried Worms.  As long as he does okay in the next couple weeks, George will probably move up to WWE2.  He will be alternating WWE with The Arrow and maybe some Literature Pockets.

Reading: George has been reading a variety of books all summer.  The kids would read for an hour during school and for another 30-60 minutes in the evening.


Math Mammoth (4A): George is working on the last chapter of 4A – Time and Measuring and will move on the 4B shortly.  He spent time over the summer working on reinforcing his multiplication and division facts.

Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math – Grade 4:  George is working on Unit 4.  This is a great spiral review of the various math concepts that are taught in MM.  He worked on constructing and interpreting graphs, multi-step computation, figuring out area, fractions, 3-D shapes, volume, and balancing equations this week.

Evan Moor Daily Word Problems – Grade 4: George is starting to struggle a little bit with these.  He still wants to be able to solve them in his head and most of them are multiple step problems that are impossible to do without writing them out.

For some fun drill and reinforcement of facts, George has also been continuing with the Scholastic Super Sudoku Math: Multiplication & Division Facts and Scholastic Fast Facts: Multiplication and Division.

For even more fun he’s been doing Sudoku puzzles from Easy Sukoku Puzzles by KrazyDad and logic grid puzzles from Mental Floss.
BOTH: Extra-curriculars

Both kids returned to swimming lessons this week. Vicki has moved up to the Guppy level at the Y and will probably move up again fairly quickly.  George is doing great and has made a new friend in his class.

I’ve been looking into 4-H clubs and we’re probably going to be checking out a Herpetology group next month, and maybe a Lego Club.

We are participating in a postcard exchange and will start working on a US Geography study to go along with that once a week.

I’m excited about a new year starting.

Monday, September 15, 2014

A New Year - 2014-2015

Our new year has started and the kids are easing back into the school routine with Jennifer.  Our curriculum hasn't changed too much from last year since it's been working well and both kids are working at or above grade level.

FOR VICKI (7 years old/2nd grade):

Language Arts: 
Evan Moor Reading Comprehension, Grade 2
Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell and Write, Grade 2
Evan Moor Word-A-Day, Grade 2
Evan Moor Grammar and Punctuation, Grade 2
Writing With Ease 1/The Wand/Literature Pockets (alternating)

Math Mammoth 2A and B
Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math, Grade 2
Scholastic Success with Addition and Subtraction, Grade 2
Algebra Readiness Made Easy, Grade 2

FOR GEORGE (9 years old/4th grade):

Language Arts:
Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension - Gr.5
Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Spell & Write - Gr.5
Scholastic More Proofreading Practice - Gr.4
Evan Moor Word-A-Day - Gr.4
Writing with Ease 2 /The Arrow/Literature Pockets (alternating)

Math Mammoth - 4B
Evan Moor Daily Word Problems - Gr.4
Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math - Gr.5


They will continue doing a variety of topics using a little bit of this, a little bit of that, lots of books and other resources.  We are also looking into possibly joining a 4-H group – either reptiles or nature based - and I'm hoping for more weekend family field trips.

They will be continuing with American History using the Complete Book of US History, History Pockets and various other books and resources.  Upcoming units will cover Explorers, Early Settlements and Colonial America.  This is another area that I'm hoping for more weekend family field trips since we have a lot of historical sites in our area.

We are participating in a US Postcard exchange that will form the base for a US Geography study.  While trying to find postcards, I ended up purchasing them at Washington’s Headquarters Historical Site in Morristown, NJ and they gave me a fantastic educational/teachers kit about the Revolutionary War that will be a great resource when the kids get ready to study that time period.

Extra Curriculars/Physical Education/Etc.
The kids are back in swimming lessons for the year.  Vicki had a great summer and has moved up to the Guppy class at the Y.  I expect she’ll continue to progress fairly quickly.

Their other physical activities, including bowling, ice skating, Zumba, and fencing will be starting up over the next few weeks.   

The homeschool classes at the Montclair Art Museum start this week and I’m looking into other art curriculum and activities.

I think it's going to be a great year!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Bronx Zoo Field Trip

This was a trip back in May that I never got around to posting about.   I think this brings me up to date.  :-)

From the Wild Asia Monorail:

Georgie didn't care for the smell in Jungle World exhibit.

This black panther was enjoying a snooze....

when this black panther decided to go say hello.....

and she was NOT happy to be disturbed.

When we moved on to the African Plains....

Georgie stopped to study the map and plan our route.

Checking out the Mouse House...

Heading over to the Butterfly Garden...

George read all of the informational signs....

I was surprised by how still Georgie could stand while trying to get a butterfly to land on his hand.  He wasn't successful but he came pretty close.

Moving on to the World of Reptiles....

We got to watch while a keeper fed the Egyptian Cobra, using a really long hook.  Fascinating...

Took a ride on the bug carousel.  Vicki picked a caterpillar (with little butterfly wings) while Georgie went right for the praying mantis.

And we finished up with the Dinosaur Safari ride....

Checking out how the dinosaurs worked.

Digging for fossils in giant sandboxes.

Checking out some trilobites.

We had a great time at the zoo.  We really need to go more often since it's not that far from home.